Why do you need to improve inside sales for B2B lead generation sales performance?

Author: Katherine Miller
Jul 19 2022
Why do you need to improve inside sales for B2B lead generation sales performance?

In every company, a sales team's first job is to do the selling. But every salesperson can't spend their entire day chasing every single prospect who interacts with the brand or competitors.  The top of the funnel tasks should fall to a support team, whose role is to help sales teams cut through the noise, make sure prospects get the required answers, and gain prospective guidance through their top-of-funnel journey to that point where visitors are ready to buy. It is the point when the sales team can happily close the sale. 

In this post AXAD, the online marketing team will discuss why lead generation B2B does not have to fall on the sales team. But first, clear the things on who is affecting inside sales daily sales performance. 

The inside sales team work in the office often find tackling extra activities that do not fall within the purview of their core roles. Most of a salesperson's time is spent on selling, the research shows that most sales representatives roughly work only 35% in selling. 

Sales practitioners suggest conducting a time study to understand what your sales team is doing with their time. This study is important for lower sales performance. If in the study it is found that sales people's maximum time spent on non-selling activities then it is wise to consider outsourcing sales. 

Here are some common admin tasks that inside sales team stuck with:

common tasks sales team stuck with


To get prospects strategically, salespeople have to work with leads that are already warm. The sales team finds more information about the customer, beyond just their name and phone number. This is the most time-consuming process. 

Update customer records 

Some customers want to support activities for instance cross-selling, upselling or subscription renewal involvement of an inside sales representative. Whereas some other customers like updating customer information opportunities and do not want any salesperson involvement. 

Cleaning database

Sometimes sales performance wasted their time on admin duties like spending time on cleaning up and updating contacts. The other things they are involved with are:

  • Trouble generating new leads
  • Low conversion of qualified leads
  • Long sales cycles
  • Lack of expertise in vertical industries

Find B2B lead generation services that can work for your company

B2B lead generation services

It is necessary to have an inside sales team, whereas sometimes outsourcing some of the sales responsibilities will help their performance, leading to more revenue. If you are looking for an outsourcing sales team then AXAD online marketing can do best for you. 

When you do outsource some of your inside sales team's responsibilities:

  • You will get new unexplored markets 
  • Have better support during product rollouts 
  • Get expertise access to stand out within your focusing niche

A right lead generation agency like AXAD will allow you to:

  • Overcome technology constraints
  • Break company silos
  • Enable better implementation of omnichannel lead generation campaigns
  • Implement best practices in data analytics

But sometimes it will create problems among higher authorities in the company as they are not able to control their sales process. But after all odds, the B2B lead generation companies  effectively represent their brand or deliver a great customer experience. 

How does a B2B Lead Generation Agency like AXAD Support Your Inside Sales Team in Achieving their core tasks?

B2B lead generation agency

  • Help to generate more revenue 
    Agencies' core role is to generate leads. You will notice more revenue while working with a lead generation agency:
  • Your campaigns will gain practical experience. Come to know what goes right and what goes wrong within your campaign. 
  • Industry-specific lead generation will target your company's bottom lines
  • An outside-looking-in perspective results in improving strategies
  • Achieve new opportunities
    If you are experimenting with new sales approaches or trying to understand the product positioning, outsourcing to a b2b lead generation company is a great way to do it. For instance, to test the market before a new product release, the lead generation agency can run product tests on prospective customers. The company can then decide whether to revise or launch the product after  receiving the data. 
  • Access to marketing strategies 
    The agencies will help to employ collective strategies to generate more leads. Most agencies know how to combine B2B lead generation strategies and campaigns to maximize ROI. 
  • Get the most out of your tools 
    The agencies will experience using cutting-edge tools for lead nurturing and analytics and they can help to leverage the data collected by those tools in a more meaningful way. 
  • Monitor and Test your Performance 
    The lead generation companies who are mainly providing outbound lead generation for B2B SaaS, have access to AI tools to speed up data analysis across countless data points, resulting in a deeper understanding of the exact prospect they want. 

By working with an agency, you will not only monitor your team's effort but also perform tests on different strategies. The agency will recommend more effective ways to run your campaigns. 

Final Thought 

When you are outsourcing B2B lead generation companies for increasing your sales then you must be thinking about what your inside sales team will be doing while your agency is busy generating leads for you. So the answer is, that they will prepare their sales pitch along with developing their inner voice, learn their sales material, gather industry intelligence and come to know in detail about your and your business competitors' products. 

Let AXAD help you in bringing lead generation sales while building your inner sales team effectively. 

By Katherine Miller | Jul 19 2022
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