Most Effective Tips on How to Generate High-Quality Health Insurance Inbound Phone Calls or Leads

Author: Katherine Miller
Apr 11 2022
Most Effective Tips on How to Generate High-Quality Health Insurance Inbound Phone Calls or Leads

If anything counts as a cloud nine moment for a business, it has to be inbound sales calls. The blood, sweat, and investment that goes into outbound are all worth it because of subsequent inbound calls. Inbound calls are calls that are made by customers to brands for various purposes. It could be due to multiple questions around a new product or customers wanting to know about their product order status. Brands must utilize every opportunity to ensure steady customer growth.

What do inbound calls mean?

Inbound sales calls are initiated by customers and responded to by company professionals responsible for customer satisfaction. For example, a person searches for free auto insurance quotes online. Along with several results, the prospect finds an ad for Pingcall lead generation software for auto insurance companies. Next moment he dials the company number to ask about prices quotes. In this example, the client dialed the company’s phone looking for a lead solution. It depends on the sales representative team and their communication skills on how they convert investigators into prospects. 

Inbound Vs. Outbound Sales Calls

Although both sales calls require efforts from sales representatives, the strategy needs to differ.

Outbound sales calls are done to enjoy major marketing control. Brands can decide on marketing strategy and assess it during various stages. It requires heavy investment to be directed to the right audience. It is usually appropriate for capturing big fish in the market. 

Inbound sales call on the other hand are cost-effective strategies done to attract high-quality leads. These leads can be converted easily using the right tools and communication patterns. 

The difference between outbound and inbound insurance marketing is not based on the medium or platform used for conveying the message. Sales calls are always done on phone. However, the phone is not the deciding factor in whether a marketing strategy is inbound or outbound. 

How do you answer inbound sales calls?

Inbound sales calls need to be handled carefully. One wrong foot and you could lose an important Obamacare pay per call lead from your network.

Below are some of the best practices to answer inbound sales calls. 

Control the conversation

Outbound sales calls are different from inbound sales calls although the primary purpose is to help the customer. However, the helper must not be in a passive position. Rather taking control of the conversation is of primary importance. Controlling conversation does not mean blocking customer questions or pushing sales objectives. A distinct approach will help you drive customer satisfaction.

  • Ask a lot of questions about customer problems to under them properly before providing a solution
  • The first statement should not sound confused or low on energy. Make sure to have positive energy during the entire conversation
  • Steer clear of words that make the customer problem sound more complex. 
  • Do not err on the customer's name. It can make the customer very annoyed and harm word of mouth marketing prospects

Share a well-defined goal with the caller

An unambiguous goal is the root of unsuccessful inbound sales call campaigns. A sales caller who has no idea of what is expected of him will be disoriented during every call. Setting goals also helps callers understand the tone of communication that must be followed. Essentially, three basic strategies are popular for inbound sales call programs,

  • Solution centric approach

A solution-centric approach focuses on solving the customer's problem. It employs the fastest tools and resources at its disposal to work out the customer problem. A company using this approach wants to make sure that their customers get the quick and best solution in no time.

  • Customer-centric approach

A customer-centric approach focuses on providing a great customer experience throughout the call. The sales caller is supposed to be empathetic. He or She should provide multiple answers, without being pushy. Support ensures organic sales. 

  • Promotion centric approach

This strategy focuses on offering a new service or product during an inbound call. It is supposed to make the customer feel special. Salescaller should be trained efficiently to deal with such calls as customers do not wish to make an additional expense while dealing with an existing problem.

Reserve the channel based on the need

Nothing can be more annoying than standing in line for 30 minutes even though your problem is more urgent than the person in front. However, the responsibility to filter customers based on their needs lies with the inbound sales call agency. Reserve the channel based on your company principle and share those policies with the pay-per-call agency. Several sales call agencies also use creative waiting line statements to keep the decorum. 

Inbound sales calls are an excellent opportunity to create values and experiences for your customers. It also generates brand awareness and loyalty. Post-selling care helps with repeated purchases. One can also use advertisers and marketers to promote their inbound sales call campaigns. 

Pingcall gives agents a competitive advantage in the marketplace through its professional AI-driven Inbound insurance marketing system. Join our list of successful brands enjoying the best of customer relationships in the form of unimaginable sales numbers. 


By Katherine Miller | Apr 11 2022
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